2.1- Push-Push-Glide



ESL Tips

Key Words

small push

free foot

back binding

Key Grammar

subordinating conjunctions


Key Phrases

"...learn how to glide while we're skating..."

"...standing on the board..."

"...start with a small push, push again..."

Quickride Exercise


you're going to learn now is learn how to present Push-Push-Glide.


you're going to do this is to help your students become comfortable standing on the board while sliding.


you're going to do this is by:

  • watching the video example
  • answering the questions that follow
  • completing the task at the end of the lesson


What we’re going to learn now is how to glide while we’re skating.

Why we want to learn this is to become comfortable standing on the board while we’re sliding.

How we do this is by starting with a small push, pushing again, and placing our free foot against the back binding and gliding.



  • Practice delivering the presentation.
  • Your explanation should be about 15 seconds long. Keep it short and simple.

Complete and Continue