The Riding Skills

The Riding Skills


you're going to learn now is learn how the Riding Skills are used delivering lessons.


you're going to do this is because all the lessons you present on your Level 2 course MUST have a skill-focus.


you're going to do this is by:

  • watching the video explanation
  • answering the questions that follow

The five Riding SkillsThe different abilities that combine to create snowboarding.
Position & Balance
Timing & Coordination
are Position & Balance, Pivot, Pressure, Edging, and Timing & Coordination.

All 5 skills are presentexisting in the actdoing (an action) of snowboarding if you're a beginner or if you're an expertfor both beginners and for experts.

Beginners have a beginner level with all of these skills and experts have an expert level with all of these skills.

But both beginners and experts need all 5 skills to snowboard.

As snowboard instructors, using the core competenciesbasic riding competencies; things that a snowboarder should be able to do to ride well at a basic level to help us analyzelook at to see what is good and what can be better our students' riding, we choose a Riding Skill to developmake better in our lessons to help students reachachieve;
get to;
arrive at
their goalwhat they want to learn or do better.

In the course the lessons that you present must be skill-based lessonslessons that develop one of the five Riding Skills through a series of exercises!

It must be easy for the evaluator to identifysee and know which skill you are developing in your lesson.

For more information on the riding skills check out page 41 in the Reference Guide.

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