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Level 2 | Self-Study
Level 2 | Self-Study Platform Introduction
Welcome! (0:48)
Level 2 Course Overview (1:45)
How to use this Platform (1:21)
Teaching Theory
The Core Competencies (1:43)
The Riding Skills (1:28)
The Methods Of Presentation (1:41)
The Practical Teaching Skills (1:05)
QuickRide Review
Whole Part Whole used with QuickRide (1:19)
Scenario 1 | Toe side sideslipping (4:06)
Scenario 2 | Toes side turns (4:03)
Teaching New Skills
Building Block | Overview (0:53)
Scenario 3 | Intro to Terrain Adaptation (4:36)
Scenario 4 | Intro to Terrain Adaptation | Different Skill Focus (4:16)
Scenario 5 | Intro to Flatland (4:24)
Scenario 6 | Intro to Flatland with Rotations (4:03)
Scenario 7 | Intro to Pop (3:43)
Scenario 8 | Intro to Ollies (4:03)
Scenario 9 | Intro to Carving (6:04)
Developing Existing Skills
Whole Part Whole | Overview (1:00)
Scenario 10 | Developing Sliding Turns | Example 1 (4:57)
Scenario 11 | Developing Sliding Turns | Example 2 (7:15)
Scenario 12 | Developing Sliding Turns | Example 3 (3:44)
Scenario 13 | Developing Carving Turns (3:47)
Level 2 | Self-Study | Conclusion
Final Quiz
Congratulations! (0:22)
Scenario 1 | Toe side sideslipping
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